sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

"Dawn of The Thriller," by Pepsi

It just can't be.

It seemed the most absurd thing in this world-wide world: that I should be asleep as Michael Jackson died. I wanted to stick my head into the kitchen's sink. What I did, though, was to dash the coffee, mug and all, into the basin. It hit the faucet with all my single-setting rotten mood turned up to eleven. "But today is just another day," I objected. "Chillax, surely you've misunderstood. It could be that only Farrah died," I told myself while I got me a more robust coffee.

“It's just stupid that I gotta go to work, I could call in and tell them I ain't there, that I am not coming. It should be so logical, that I wouldn't even need to explain to them why."

As incredible as it may seem, I took off from home like always. "Maybe I'm the only one going to work today," I thought. "Maybe people don't even exist anymore," I said out loud. "Maybe the only ones that made it were the ones that were asleep, for the moment," I screeched.

I wondered how the day could possibly dawn without Michael Jackson. I looked up to the sky, but there was no way of forecasting it. It was night time; cloudy, to top it off. Got in my car and took off at dawn, like every day, like all those days when Michael Jackson has never died, of course. And all the radio stations sounded off with his songs. Actually, it was only Thriller. Everything was Thriller. "Weird, not even Billy Jean…" It was very depressing, like when you see a movie in black and white and think that all the actors are dead, so I turned off the radio. I continued looking up to the sky. The clouds went on, static, and letting their bellies be touched by the Sun that was beginning. "At least it ought to be a Gone With The Wind sky, and not this gray mess."

The thing is that it looked less and less like a regular sky as the moments went by. The light was revealing some toxic clouds with metal shards that detached in rain form. The edge of the Sun peeked out squared-shaped. Suddenly, the whole sky pixelated. The town showed up, or rather appeared, asleep as usual. The town square, with all the street lights off; and the church with the lights on. "No! That's not how it is, just the opposite," my thoughts alerted me, but I wasn't so sure anymore. My memory failed me, and I riffled through my head in the only section still whole: Black and White. A congress of empty churches with lights on assaulted me, and all of them were of… "Shush! Don't creep yourself out no more, come on, get out and get on with it."

There wasn't anyone on the street, and neither could I remember if it should be so. It took me a while to link the grumbling that grew louder with each one of my steps to the sound of the bakery's presses and the smells of the freshly made croissants, although it seemed as if the last bake load had baked a little too long; but maybe that was the normal smell of it.

Then, I saw them at the end of the alley. They were coming towards me, dirty, broken, stumbling, slowly. I could have escaped because I hadn't forgotten how to run, but the thing is… "These zombie fuckers, you gotta see how gracefully they drag their feet!"


Written originally by Pepsi in the forum Prosófagos. Visit the forum today!

Translated by DNAZ Franco by express permission of the author.

martes, 23 de junio de 2009

¿Quién dijo punto decimal?

Como traductor en ciernes hay temas que debería tener ya superados, pero que no manejo con la soltura debida por distintos motivos. Entonces, siempre es necesario repasar conceptos que parecieran básicos y de principiantes, pero que en ocasiones quedan arrumbados en el olvido.

Porque pudiera ser dolencia también del escritor amateur, he decidido compartir un resumen sobre uno de los temas más básicos en la escritura: El aparentemente sencillísimo uso del lenguaje escrito para representar la numeración en un texto, que es piedra de tropiezo en la senda de muchos que escriben en español.

Para comenzar, hay dos consejos que deben aprenderse en esta época de tratamiento de textos computarizado. Uno, hay algo llamado “espacio fino” o “espacio protegido”. Esta es una separación entre caracteres para evitar que el cambio de renglón separe la cifra de las letras. Se obtiene pulsando las teclas CTRL + SHIFT (mayúscula) + barra espaciadora. El resultado es:

---------------------------------------(final del renglón)123
kg «- espacio regular

---------------------------------------(final del renglón)
123 kg «- espacio protegido

La segunda es la combinación ALT + 167 = º ya que es obligatorio el uso de la abreviatura "nº" para "número". No se recomienda "n.", "no", "num." ni derivadas. Para el plural se usa una "s" volada, además: nºs

Entonces, el resumen:

1. Hay tres criterios para elegir entre escribir números con letras o cifras:

a. Por claridad (por ejemplo, si hay cantidades no exactas de más de dos dígitos: 123,45) (por el mismo motivo, los millones van con letra, a menos que no sea número exacto: quince millones, 9 873 632)

b. Por lo específico del texto (como los resultados de votaciones, que siempre se escriben con cifras)

c. Por coherencia (no alternar cifras y letras en un texto)

2 Los millares no llevan punto, sino "espacio protegido" (123 456,78)

3. Los “euros” nunca van con € (ALT + CTRL + e) a menos que se escriba un cuadro o gráfico. Por extensión, ninguna denominación se escribe con signo

4. Siempre se escribe el signo “%” después de la cifra, separados por espacio protegido, para porcentajes (15 %)

5. Aunque el DRAE diga “sí” al “millardo”, el nombre para 10^9 sigue siendo “mil millones”. Un “billón” es 10^12

6. Los ordinales no terminan en “-avo”: ese sufijo denota partes de un entero (centavo). Y se escribe “séptimo”, “noveno”, “undécimo” y “duodécimo”. Cualquier otra variante no se recomienda

7. Con el tratamiento de textos tan difundido, la antigua necesidad de escribir la letra “o” con tilde es ahora innecesaria (ahora, 0 o 1; antes, 0 ó 1)

8. En español, la coma separa los decimales de los enteros

Hay también otros usos esotéricos de los números, como los números de tomos, publicaciones y congresos, o los adverbios numerales latinos, o que los siglos se escriben en versalitas, que no son de uso común. Para su uso correcto, recomiendo consultar textos especializados, como los mencionados en las notas.


Libro de estilo interinstitucional (LEI) 6.4, 6.5 y 10.3, del Portal de la Unión Europea, en Internet
• ABC: Libro de estilo de ABC, 2ª ed., Ariel, Barcelona, 2001.
• El País: Libro de estilo, 12ª ed., Ediciones El País, Madrid, 1996.
• Agencia EFE: Manual de español urgente, 4ª ed., Cátedra, Madrid, 1987.
• El Mundo: Libro de estilo, Unidad Editorial-Temas de Hoy, Madrid, 1996.
• Real Academia Española: Diccionario de la lengua española, 22ª ed., Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 2001.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

Revista Literaria Prosofagia junio 2009

Ya salió el segundo número de la revista literaria Prosofagia. En esta ocasión, publicaron cuentos y relatos previamente publicados en el foro.

Algunos dirán que esta acción no es nada más que vanagloria cíberonanista, pero me viene valiendo madres:

Lo único que importa es que publicaron uno de mis cuentos.

O sea, lean la revista, o les mando ninjas a media noche.

He dicho,

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Is it a murse or a mag?

Well, neither, actually…

Mine is a knapsack, or maybe a messanger's bag. Whatever. But I have decided that I need to carry too much crap around with me wherever I go, so I don't want to look like Dennis the menace with my pants pockets bulging with fifteen keys in several keyrings, cell phone, iPod, wallet, coins, bill fold, portable speaker, hearing aids' case, lint, and other debris that accumulates in the day to day wanderings of a regular adult roaming across several cities.

Anyway, now I am very much unencumbered, and I carry all my crap on the little sling bag. It looks a little like the ones in the picture, but not really: mine is cuter!

But this new fashion trend of having men walk around carrying purses reminds me very much of the Seventies, when we all used to walk around with "morrales", which were pretty much also sling bags. Then, at the end of the Seventies and the beginning of the Eighties men started carrying around mags and murses (man-bags and man-purses), which were really roughened versions of lady's purses.

This fashion has been recycled and is back, like the proverbial bad penny. But at least I look semi-manly in my teenie-tiny cute backpack.

No, really!


martes, 2 de junio de 2009



Pero, pero, pero, pero…

¡Si yo todavía siento que apenas tengo diecinueve! Bueno, no, no es cierto. Ya me canso más fácil, y la circunferencia de mi anatomía media antes era más bien un óvalo feliz. Dije óvalo, no ovario, conste…

Pero como iba diciendo, es cierto que ya no soy el mismo. Aunque sea tampoco tantos me tienen como tonto tanto tiempo. O sea, a lo mejor soy un poco más colmilludo.

En resumen: sigo siendo el mismo chaval que a los diecinueve, pero más redondo, más fatigado y más colmilludo.

Como sea: feliz cumpleaños a mí: he terminado como con tres quintas partes de mi vida.

Decía Mafalda: «Si a los cuarenta comienza la vida, ¿para qué cuernos tanta anticipación?»


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